Implikasi dan Pranggapan proses Negosiasi di Pasar Setonobetek Kota Kediri serta Penerapanya menurut Teks Negosiasi sebagai Bahan Ajar di SMAN 7 Kota Kediri


  • Ganes Tegar Derana Universitas Kahuripan Kediri
  • Imam Suhaimi Universitas Kahuripan Kediri
  • Alifarose Syahda Zahra Universitas Kahuripan Kediri



presuppositions,, , implications,, negotiating texts, teaching materials


As social humans, we cannot do without communication activities. The purpose of this study
is to find out how presumptions and verbal cues are used in community negotiations in the
Setonobetek market, Kediri City for high school textbooks. The research method used is descriptive
and qualitative. data collection and observation, interviews, recording and independent listening
skills, engaging in dialogue and note-taking skills, and data analysis methods Myers and Huberman.
The results of this study are (1) Speech presuppositions in the Setonobetek market negotiations,
Kediri City, namely. Latent presuppositions inform the existence of a person, factual presuppositions
inform an event, structural presuppositions of the unmentioned recipient are understandable, and
lexical presuppositions indicate sentences. It refers to certain elements after the verb and the question
mark. Presets and Non-factual Presets No counterfactuals were found in the negotiations at the
Setonobetek market in Kediri, and (2) verbal implications in the negotiations at the Setonobetek
market in Kediri. The Setonobetek Market of Kediri City is a traditional meaning that is universal so
it is easy to understand. conversational meaning Provide temporary meaning, (3) use the results of
presuppositions and analysis of meaning as teaching materials. The text in the form of handouts is
based on core competencies and basic competencies in the 2013 syllabus. Conclusion There are
Verbal Presumptions and Suggestions in Negotiations in the Setonobetek Market Community, Kediri
City as a Textbook High School Student


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How to Cite

Derana, G. T. ., Suhaimi, I. ., & Zahra, A. S. (2022). Implikasi dan Pranggapan proses Negosiasi di Pasar Setonobetek Kota Kediri serta Penerapanya menurut Teks Negosiasi sebagai Bahan Ajar di SMAN 7 Kota Kediri. Adjektiva: Educational Languages and Literature Studies, 5(1), 8–12.


